Thursday, August 6, 2009

Paige Railstone!

So I am probably going to sound like such a poser, jumping on the Paige Railstone bandwagon (tons of people have these past few days), but I couldn't help but get interested in this underground phenom. Paige Railstone, for those of you not in the know, is an awesome DJ, but I find her as a person more interesting than her music. She's had such an exciting life, and she's only 22. She ran away to New York City at fourteen, where she started on her DJ career. Now she basically roams the world, going to small clubs, doing sweet musical mash-ups, living in hotels. She's also just an eloquent, articulate person.. She seems so smart, and I love this quotes of hers: "Sometimes I am Canadian, sometimes European, sometimes African, sometimes Asian. In this world, it is not enough to be who you are. You must also be where you are."

One of my much cooler friends downloaded her debut CD Off the Railstone, which is coming out from DFTBA records, and her music is perfect to dance to! I was grooving around my room to it. Apparently, Paige sings and plays instruments too, though she's very private about it; I'm really curious to hear what her own music sounds like, since she seems to have really natural creative sensibilities.

John Green, YA author, is actually a big fan, and he explains Paige's appeal perfectly: Check it out for more information.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Looking for a roarmantic read?

Or okay, in regular terms, a romantic read?

I suggest Beastly by Alex Flinn. It's a modernized retelling of Beauty and the Beast. In it, the popular, gorgeous, and pretty darn mean Kyle Kingsbury is transformed into a beast by a witch. Because of his one act of kindness, he is given a chance to escape the curse: he has two years to kiss someone and have it be true love. This is pretty difficult, seeing as he's monstrous looking and can't even leave the house. That is, until he discovers a way to have Lindy, a sweet, plain scholarship student Kyle once would've overlooked, stay with him...The book is cute and romantic. It was a touch predictable, but it had enough to make it unique. For example, I loved all the transfiguration chatroom stuff. This book even made me cry a little bit, though I don't guarantee you the same results; I can be pretty sappy. If you do decide to give Beastly a try, bear with Kyle in the beginning, since he's a major jerk. Trust me, though, he has a very rewarding transformation.

Other people must have seen what I saw in the book, since it's being turned into a movie, due out in 2010. I'm so excited about Neil Patrick Harris's involvement; he'll be playing Kyle's blind tutor Will. Knowing Neil Patrick Harris, he'll be perfect at the part. Playing Kyle is Alex Pettyfer. He was in the Alex Rider movie, if anyone's seen that. He's pretty gorgeous, so I see that working, though I'm not too sure about his acting ability yet. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. I am a bit worried, however, about the picture I've found of him in presumably his beast state, which I've included in the post. It doesn't strike me as quite beastly enough. The author describes him as having hair all over and looking less human. I pictured him looking a bit more werewolf like. Anyway, Mary Kate Olsen is also in the movie, playing the witch. The person that gives me most pause is Vanessa Hudgens as Lindy. I'm not a huge Vanessa fan, and I can't picture her as the character at all. In the book, Lindy is a plain and sweet rehead.

I guess I'll just have to wait and see, right? With most of these movie adaptions, you have to accept the movie as a seperate entity from the book, which reminds me, I'm off to see Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince for the second time today. WOOO!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Summer Reading

It's been forever since I've posted. I got caught up in the busyness of school--and then in the laziness of summer! I've finally decided to grace you all with my posting, though. (Ha, yeah, right, if anybody out there is reading.)

The topic for my first post back?

Summer reading.

And, for the beginning of this post at least, I'm not talking about the fun, beach kind. I'm talking about required-by-school kind. I have four books to read this summer: Crime and Punishment, Their Eyes Were Watching God, The Awakening, and Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong. As of this post, one down, three to go. I'm currently trudging through Crime and Punishment, and I've got to say, I'm not exactly riveted. I want to like classics. I really do. It just hardly ever ends up happening. I keep wondering to myself if the authors even tried to be slightly entertaining.

Anyone else struggling through summer reading? Or do you have opinions on any of the books I'm reading this summer? I'd love to hear them!

Amidst all the school reading, though, I have had time for one fun book: Prada and Prejudice by Mandy Hubbard. I stayed up til almost 3 reading it last night. It was adorable and a fun, quick read! I loved seeing the contemporary character in that historical setting, and I also loved the romance. I recommend it!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Imagining Others

I just finished reading Paper Towns by John Green this evening, which I really enjoyed. It was thoughtful, funny, and at some points, quite heartbreaking. Plus, it's by John Green, who, if you've ever seen his videos on YouTube, is totally hilarious. NERDFIGHTERS! DFTBA!

Erm, anyway...the book talks a lot about imagining other people, and if we're able to ever really fully imagine other people, and when we can imagine them best, and how sometimes we're just in love with the idea of a person rather than a person itself. All of this I find rather fascinating, by the way. The fact that we're all in our own shells and we'll always only ever be us, but at the same time, we rely so much on our connections with other people--that these are what make our life full. In fact, wanting to get into someone else's head is one of my main motivators for writing.

One of the scenes I liked in the book was when the main character, Quentin, and his friends were on a road trip. They were playing a game they made up called That Guy is a Gigolo (which is a great name for a game, by the way) where you basically see random people and imagine who they are...what their story is. I can't help but do this sometimes, especially when I see people walking alongside a highway or doing something otherwise strange. Usually my ideas of their lives are somewhat romanticized or melodramatic, and that comes into play in the book too: sometimes what you imagine about others shows more about you than it does about them.

Anyone else like thinking about the possible lives of strangers?

Oh, and speaking of Paper Towns, which cover did you prefer? I read the sad one, but I didn't have much choice in the matter, since I just got the library system to send me a copy. I really can't wait to see what they do cover-wise with the paperback version!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Emotional Investment

In almost all forms of entertainment, emotional investment seems to be key. I know I talked about American Idol earlier, and I'm not going to bore you with more American Idol details, but let's just say, I'm emotionally invested in one of the contestants (ANOOP!) and that's why I keep tuning in. Books are pretty similar. To keep turning the pages, or buying books in a series, you have to be emotionally invested in at least one character.

One series I was emotionally invested in--along with, like, half the world--was Harry Potter. While I, of course, was just as interested in Harry and his quests as everyone else, my most genuine emotional investment involved Hermione and Ron. I think it's because I could really relate to Hermione. I have the bushy brown hair and everything! Since book four or so, I've been on the edge of my seat, waiting for Ron and Hermione to finally be together.

Another book I was emotionally invested in was The Catcher in the Rye. Again, it was the relatability and sympathy of Holden that made me feel this way. I wanted him to not be so lost. I wanted things to be okay for him.

More recently, I just finished reading Jellicoe Road (which is the book I was talking about in my last post). In the beginning of the book, I was not as invested in the main character, Taylor, but by the end, I cared so much about her. I was outraged when she didn't get the information she deserved and was devestated along with her at a disaster towards the end. The book, overall, was very good by the way, and I highly reccomend it.

What are some books you all were emotionally invested in, and what do you think makes you emotionally invest in a book or a character?

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Puzzle Pieces

I'm reading a YA book right now that's interesting to say the least. The beginning is confusing, but not in a badly written way. It's more like the author is scattering the puzzle pieces for later on in the book when the reader starts putting them together. I'm far enough in the book that a lot of the things that had me scratching my head earlier on are starting to make sense. Since I'm not done reading it yet, I don't have any official review of the book for you guys, but it sure is intriguing!

What do you guys think of these "puzzle piece" kind of books?

And can anyone guess what book I'm reading? It's fairly big in the YA least when it comes to winning awards. Hint, hint.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Writing, School, and Dresses, Oh My!

So...I've been a little lax on posting this month. Sorry about that!

Right now I'm working on rewriting my middle grade novel called Strawberry's School of Glamour. It's so much fun! I love my slightly outrageous main character, and I just love the the middle school setting. Though sixth grade is pretty horrible while you're there, it's pretty fun to write. I don't feel like I'm well-read enough in middle grade, though. If anyone has some suggestions for middle grade reading, let me know.

Meanwhile, I'm almost three-quarters through the school year. This means this weekend I have midterm projects to do (yay procrastination!), AP tests are coming up, and I have SATs to take in May. I've also been having to deal with state standardized testing. Blech.

It is also prom season. I don't know if I'm going yet, but I always love looking at dresses. I haven't read the books yet, but could you imagine having a prom dress like a gown off the cover of The Luxe, Rumors, or Envy by Anna Godbersen? I haven't read them yet, but wouldn't that be epic?

Tell me which dress is your favorite in the comments! For me, it's hard to choose between The Luxe and Envy.

Friday, March 13, 2009

American Idol!

I didn't mean to, but I can't help myself; I'm hooked again on American Idol.

I didn't plan on watching this season (I hadn't watched last season), but then there was nothing else on when the show first I watched. Now I can't stop because I have to watch to see my favorite, Anoop Desai! Ever since his first audition, I liked him. He's the perfect combination of geeky, cute, and talented. The judges always mention how immensely likable he is, and I agree. I still don't think he's shown off his full potential, though, like he has in some YouTube videos with his college acapella groups. Anyone who's watching this season--and anyone who just might be curious--should check this song out, just as an example of some of his awesomeness. I can't wait until American Idol next week. He's been enduring some criticism for his performance this week, so hopefully he brings it. Their may be some big voices left in the Top 11, but when it comes to voices I'd like to listen to on the radio or on a CD, Anoop beats them least for me.

Speaking of bringing it...someone who really knows how to bring it is the original American Idol, Kelly Clarkson. I've been a fan since that first season of American Idol. I even own the much mocked From Justin To Kelly. Her newest CD, All I Ever Wanted, just came out, and I'm loving some of the songs. There are some super catchy pop numbers. I especially like "Long Shot". Has anyone else listened to it yet? I think it's the type of CD that needs a couple listen before you really can appreciate it. What are your thoughts?

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Braless in Wonderland, fun but thoughtful!

I just finished reading Braless in Wonderland by Debbie Reed Fischer. If you're looking for a quick read that's cute and intelligent at the same time, and if you're an America's Next Top Model addict like me, you will enjoy this book.

It's about overachieving, feminist high school senior Allee Rosen, who, to her surprise, is offered representation from a top-notch model and talent agency, Finnesse. Allee, who never thought herself particularly beautiful, finds herself heading out to Miami, going on castings, and landing commercials, print ads, and even some high-fashion photoshoots. At first she's reluctant to join the modeling world--she only gives it a chance so she can pay for Yale--, but in no time, she finds it enthralling. It unlocks a different part of herself, teaches her some valubable lessons, and is just plain fun. Eventually Allee has to choose between this glamorous world and the world of academia which she had always planned on entering.

As I said earlier, this book is both cute and intelligent, and that's a big deal to me. While I like books that are fun and accessible, I don't want to read shallow, stupid fluff. Braless in Wonderland managed to pack in some serious content about labeling ourselves and others (I have a soft spot for any book that examines intellectual snobbery, because I am sometimes prone to it, even though it is so wrong...and besides, it's just fascinating.), beauty and intelligence and if they can coexist, making choices about the future, what degrading really is, what femimnism really is, etc. However, I didn't feel like I was reading a book that's sole purpose was to make me think. All of this deeper content was inside of a cute, little package of entertainment, and entertained I was. I liked the colorful world of fashion and modeling. I liked the relatable voice of the main character Allee. I liked the interesting personalities of the fellow models and the relationships they had with Allee.

Overall, I just liked this book, period!

Even if I did feel a little funny carrying around a book with Braless in the title, ha ha.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

North of Beautiful Review...and blog updates!

So...tonight is the last performance of the musical I'm in, which means, come next week, I'll finally be having some free time. I'm planning on working on this blog, as well as working on some of my writing. Hopefully this means I'll be able to do Cover Love weekly, as well as adding some more regular features.

In other news, I finished North of Beautiful by Justina Chen Headley yesterday and loved it. Though it's not exactly an action-packed novel, it sure was a page-turner. I wanted to know what was going to happen with Terra, an extremely complex character with a complex life filled with decisions about college, her future, her family, guys, and even her face. Terra made mistakes and sometimes I just wanted to shake her and make her do something--make her stand up for herself--, but throughout she remained sympathetic and understandable. I also loved the map making, traveling, and art (collages! i loved hearing about Terra's collages!) that also came into play in this book, helping set North of Beautiful apart from all the other books that explore beauty and finding yourself.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

My poor, poor books...

I think I'm going to change Cover Love Tuesday to just Cover Love Weekly or something, because, um, I'm apparently very horrible at doing things regularly on regular days and the like. So instead of having this feature, I'm instead going to talk about book abuse and deal breakers.

Now, as a high school student, I like to carry whatever book I'm currently reading around with me; that way, when class gets boring, I can open up the book and get some reading done. This means my books get hauled class to class and from home to school and back in my backpack. And...well, I'm not a particularly careful person. I guess you could say I neglect my books more than I abuse them. It's not that I purposely get pencil marks on them or bend the edges and smudge the covers. It just happens. Anybody have the same problem?

As for deal breakers, I just finished reading a YA novel with some romance. I had a bit of trouble with the main character's romantic interest, however, because some of his immoral actions. There are some things, when reading romance, that are just deal breakers to me with guys. I may enjoy the book, but if a guy is stealing or something, I'm not going to want him with the girl. I'm trying to think of some more deal breakers....just, in general, I am not into the bad boy thing at all. What can I say? I like my nice guys. Deal breakers for others out there?

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Cover Love Tuesday (2)...Belated!

I guess this whole regular feature thing is going to take a while to get used to, since I forgot all about Cover Love Tuesday, where I blog about some extremely awesome covers. This week I'm going to take a look at one book on my To Be Read pile and one book I've read--and really enjoyed--before.

My first pick:
North of Beautiful by Justina Chen Headley, YA, published in February 2009
Now I haven't read this book yet, but what I really love about it the cover--besides having a stunning photograph--is how well it fits the book's description. From what I know, North of Beautiful is about a beautiful girl with a port wine stain on a side of her face. This cover captures that beauty, but it also captures that feeling of embarrassment and hiding that I hope will be explored in the book's pages. Overall, I think the photo has an emotional quality to it. The map compass thing (don't know the word for it, I'm afraid) is a good addition because, from reading the first chapter or so, I know the character has an interest in leaving town and a connection to mapping and geography. Thematically, maybe the image is hinting that the main character will be dealing with her direction in life. This cover was one of the main things that attracted me towards this book, as well as some stellar reviews!

My second pick:
Dramarama by E. Lockhart, YA, published in 2007

I don't know if I've mentioned it before, but I am a huge E. Lockhart fan! I really enjoyed this book. Needless to say, I enjoyed the cover as well. The black and white, the hair, the lipstick (especially since it's pink and pops out), etc., just look good together and make me think old-fashioned and classy. It also reminds me of theater, putting me into a place of pre-show jitters when you're hurrying to get on your makeup and costume. Also, I like the model's eyebrows--random, I know--and the entire effect of the author's name across the eyes; it's a good alternative to headless body covers and the like. The spine of this book stands out a lot too.

Thanks for reading. Hopefully Cover Love Tuesday (3) will come on time next week!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

He's Just Not That Into You

Just a few hours ago, I got back from seeing the movie He's Just Not That Into You, which stars big name celebrities such as Jennifer Aniston, Scarlett Johannson, Drew Barrymore, and Ben Affleck. If you haven't seen the previews, it's basically a movie about the ensemble's intertwining love lives. One of the main characters, Gigi (Ginnifer Goodwin), is a bit unlucky in the love department. Some of the guys she goes after are, as you'd guess, just not that into her.

Someone not returning someone else's feelings is always an interesting topic, whether it be in film or in books. In some of my manuscripts, there are guys who are just not that into the main character. For example, in my YA novel A REAL FIRST KISS, one of Lara's crushes flirts with, her hoping to use her for help with math. He readily admits to his friends that he has no interest in her whatsoever. In one of my middle grade works-in-progress, a girl named Farren has a crush on a guy who has fallen for a popular, pretty girl rather than her nerdy self.

I'm starting to notice something: most of the guys who don't reciprocate my main characters' feelings come off as jerks at some point. Maybe I do this subconciously since I like my main characters so much and can't imagine guys they like not liking them unless they have some kind of character defect. I don't want to make it sound as if I have guys just throwing themselves at my main characters, because it's not like that either...I guess it's just, in writing, I usually like to focus on burgeoning relationships rather than dead-end ones. After all, that's when the romance really comes in, and I love me some romance.

Anyway, He's Just Not That Into You was super cute. A great chick flick! Go see it if you're in the mood for some romance, some awws, a couple of laughs, and maybe even a few tears.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Cover Love Tuesday (1)

So I think I mentioned earlier that I wanted to start having some regular features. This is the first one. Obviously it's titled Cover Love Tuesday. Each Tuesday I'll pick 1, 2, or maybe even 3 books with awesome covers that I love! The books may be forthcoming, or they may have been out for a while. I may have read them or I may not have. I may have liked them or I may have hated them. Most of them will be YA, but I can't guarantee other books from other genres won't make the cut. The most important thing on Cover Love Tuesday is the covers, after all!

My first pick:
Why I Let My Hair Grow Out by Maryrose Wood, YA, published in 2007

To me, this cover is absolutely gorgeous...totally unique, with a fun, magical vibe that matches the book. I really like the flowers everywhere, and I love the girl's eye makeup. And of course, you've got to love the funky hair, those big lips, and that expression behind her eyes. Overall, this book cover is colorful and cute and an A plus in my book.

My second pick:
Silver Phoenix: Beyond the Kingdom of Xia by Cindy Pon, YA, to be published in summer 2009

I'm going to be honest. I was not in love with this cover at first sight. I liked it well enough, but I thought there was something odd about it that I couldn't just put my finger on. Soon enough I started to love this cover and realized that I was mistaking odd for different--good different. What I love about this cover is the richness and shine of the pink fabric the girl's wearing, and most of all, the color of that pink. Her pose and facial expression (the latter of which is decidedly unemotional, which makes me even more curious about this book) are also interesting...unconventional even. The dragons in the background are a great, detailed touch. This book will stand out on the shelves, and I, for one, plan on picking it off one!

Check out Maryrose Wood's site and Cindy Pon's to find out more about their books, and feel free to share your thoughts about these covers in the comments. Also, please check back for more regular features coming soon!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Superbowl. Woo?

As mostly everyone should know, the Superbowl is this weekend. Classmates have been strongly voicing opinions on who they think should win. Even the teachers have been encouraging students to root for a certain team. (In my neck of the woods, people mostly support the Steelers.) In these instances, I don't have too much to say.

I do not watch sports.

I do not participate in sports. Or at least not willingly.

I will not be watching the Superbowl, unless we're talking commercials, half-time show, and possibly Jennifer Hudson singing The Star Spangled Banner. The same is true for most of my family members. To the surprise of some, even my dad and brother don't show that much interest in football.

I can kind of see why people watch sports--kind of....okay, maybe I just don't get it all.

During the Superbowl, I'll have to find something else to entertain myself. Perhaps I can even get some writing done? I'd like to say I will get some writing done, but I will probably end up surfing blogs, forums, and YouTube.

What are you all doing for the Superbowl?

And is anyone excited for the post-Superbowl one hour special episode of The Office?

Thanks to HH Studio for a picture of a place I will probably never go....he he.

ETA: I just noticed how much of a stereotypical writer I am!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Steam of Consciousness

This blog is brought to you by Stream of Consciousness Co. in partnership with Lack of Inspiration Inc. Starting now...

I know I should be adding something to this blog. My last post was a whole week ago. What am I to talk about, I wonder.

I'm reading a book right now called The Murder of Bindy Mackenzie by Jaclyn Moriarty, which I like a lot so far.

I'm humming this song Untouched by the Veronicas. I don't even particularly like it, but I heard it on the radio once and then it was in my head...and of course, once it was in my head and I figured out what it was, I had to look it up and listen to it again. I may get it out of my head soon with the new Kelly Clarkson song.

I realize that these musical musings are not writing related. I wonder if I should keep this blog mostly writing related. I decide that it's okay if it's not all I talk about, but I would like writing and books to be this blog's main focus.

Speaking of books, I won four of them in a contest at The Story Siren. I'm eagerly awaiting my prizes. Check that blog out if you haven't been there before.

In school, a new semester has started. My school has block scheduling, meaning a new semester equals new classes. Pre-Calc is bound to make me a nervous wreck (The mathematical side of my mind has turned to mush since last year), but everything else seems fine.

I'm starting to think that I should have some regular features on this blog, like some of my own favorite blogs have. Not quite sure what I want these to be, however.

Howie Mandel is on The Ellen Degeneres Show right now. No strong opinions on him, though for a while I enjoyed Deal or No Deal.

And this seems sufficient...utterly pointless, but sufficient.

Are you supposed to time stream of conciousness and then see what you come up with? Oh well, I shall be a rebel. You, blog reader, should try some stream of conciousness for thirty seconds or so in the comments, though...or you know, just comment on my streaming.

Also, Howie Mandel is now in a plastic bubble. In case you wanted to know. :)

ETA: Wait, does it count as stream of conciousness if I go back and edit a few things? Let's just say it does. I mean, I was just trying to help you all by making my blog readable.

Friday, January 16, 2009

The Catcher in the Rye

I just finished reading it for the first time. It was so awesome. I feel like there was so much deep stuff in there, though, that I've barely skimmed the surface, that to fully appreciate everything I might have to reread it a couple of times...sort of how I felt after reading The Great Gatsby (which is also another really good book). I don't mean, however, that the book wasn't incredibly powerful the first time around, because it was. I'm tempted to share some of the moments particularly and more of my in-depth thoughts, but I'm not sure there would be any interest in that; plus, I don't want to spoil anything.

Instead I'll just say that I loved it and that I found Holden so easy to relate to and identify with, even if some people may not like him. I think that every teenager would at least recognize themselves in Holden once in the novel, if not more than that. Maybe that's one of the reasons the book feels like such a classic coming-of-age story to me and definitely a Young Adult novel,
even if that distinction was not necessarily around at the time.

Thoughts on The Catcher in the Rye anyone? Any agreements that it has to be one of the ultimate YA novels, even if it technically isn't one? (Of course, I haven't read nearly enough books to be able to make this an educated claim, but whatever...) Does anyone else really love the title and how it came into play in the book?

And one last thing: I have to suggest checking out John Green's videos on The Catcher in the Rye. They really helped me get a better grasp on the book, and they were highly entertaining, because, uh, duh, it's John Green. Here's the intro, part one, and part two.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Kids! (a.k.a contemplating parent characters)

Right now, I'm busy with rehearsals for my school's production of Bye Bye Birdie. The main set of parents sing a song called Kids, which is about how unruly and horrible kids (specifically teenagers) can sometimes be. Eventually the entire parental population of the town comes together and sings Kids Reprise. Here are some lyrics from it:

Why can't they be like we were, perfect in every way?
What's the matter with kids?

What's the matter with kids?

What's the matter with kids today?

Mind you, this takes place in the late fifties or early sixties. People today are always saying how kids aren't anything like they used to be, whether it's an issue of respect, work ethic, or morals. This may be true. I don't know. I've only been on this earth since 1992. Still, one has to wonder if this kind of mindset tells more about the teen-relationship than it does about the depravity of the next generation.

I don't have any answers.

When it comes to writing, specifically, I can be a bit in the dark about parents. Some of my parent characters admittedly end up flat and stereotypical, never having too big of a role in the plot, only appearing to drive the teen around, lay down the law, or act sentimental. The relationship between a teenager and his or her parents can be so complex, but it can also be sparse and superficial. Maybe this is what makes writing parent figures so hard for me. How much should they even be involved in the character's life? How distinctive do these parents need to be?

The above mostly applies to my Young Adult writing, though. In my first middle grade book (which still has a major revision looming in its future), the main character's relationship with her mother is HUGE, and many scenes between them are integral to the plot and explain the character's behavior elsewhere. In the new middle grade book I'm writing, I foresee one of the main character's parents playing a major role in who she is and the pressure she feels to conform. Obviously, with bigger roles, these parents become more developed. I'm sure the age of these middle grade characters has something to do with this, but then again, there are some Young Adult books with dynamic parent-teen relationships too.

Thoughts, everyone, on writing parents? I'd love any tips or insights you have to give! Also, anyone have good examples of well developed parents with major roles in either YA or MG books? When I have the time, I hope to read some more MG.

Credit for the bumper sticker, here!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

College Crazy

Lately I've been a bit college crazy. This means researching different colleges, thinking about visits, thinking about money, fantasizing about college, reading message boards about college, and generally freaking out about the massive decisions that seem to be looming closer and closer. It seems so weird that in 8 months, I'll be a senior, and a little after that, I'll be filling out college applications. I don't feel old enough for this. I feel fourteen at most...perhaps even twelve! Surely, my taste in TV and music skews younger than my actual age. (Erm...yes, I'm still an avid watcher of the Disney Channel.) Nonetheless, time keeps chugging along, and I will actually be in college in what will seem like no time at all.

Which college....that's really what I'm wondering about. I mean, I'm sure I'll be happy wherever I end up, but at the moment, I can't help but stress. What if there is some college out there that's perfect for me but I haven't come across it yet? Or what if the perfect college is too expensive? I guess I'll have to wait and see. Like I said, I have faith that things will work out in the end. Some people out there may think it's corny, but I really do think God has a plan for me and that things happen for a reason. Doesn't mean I'm any calmer, though.

Overall, despite any intimidation and fear I'm holding onto, I have to say I'm excited. I am so ready to be done with high school that I imagine waiting for college might just test my patience.

In other news, I'm reading Catcher in the Rye. My brother gave it to me for Christmas, I'm about halfway through it, and it's really good! I'm also reading Dante's Inferno for school, which doesn't inspire as much enthusiasm on my part...and which I should probably be reading right about now.

What are you guys reading, and any thoughts on this college craziness?

By the way, the dorm picture is from here...actually, it's a Harvard dorm room. I'm glad I'm not considering any of the Ivy League schools, because I'd be even more stressed than I am now.